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Transit LED Sign: Create A Safer Transportation Ecosystem

Imagine public transportation without transit signage. This would mean unpredictable schedules and not knowing where a particular bus or train would go, resulting in poor customer service and confusion all around. Static transit signs certainly help, but you can save time and money by shifting to innovative LED transit signage. The upgrade can give your transportation company the edge it needs to stand out from the competition while making sure that your passengers are well-informed on routes, stops, and schedules. Transit LED signs can also help them recognize how close they are to their destination.

Technology and Convenience

The previous decade alone was a showcase of how technology evolved and revolutionized most aspects of our lives, from the way we communicate to the way we get around. Big data, analytics, digital platforms, and cloud computing continue to become a bigger part of our daily routines. These days, these technologies are being integrated into transportation systems—including public transit—particularly through transit signage. Where safety is a top priority in the ecosystem of road transport, there is a need for effective transit signs to keep passengers properly informed and capable of making smarter decisions for their commute.

Innovation is part of the movement to keep enhancing transit operations. It introduced new technologies such as LED transit signage, which helped public transportation companies become more cost-efficient and effective at delivering helpful, time-saving solutions to passengers.

LED is an energy-saving solution that provides a more versatile method of delivering service advisories to passengers. It is a more practical way to display announcements, too, as it eliminates the need to manually write, draw, or paint signs as is done on analog or static signage.

Make information easier to read

LED transit signs are easily visible and really do attract attention, as their brilliant lighting can easily be read over 500 feet away. That makes them helpful in disseminating information to passengers and brings convenience to their commutes.

Keeping passengers well-informed reflects on your commitment to serving them well. They are more likely to appreciate your service when they know that you care about their safety and well-being during their travels.

Just be sure to choose the right LED transit signage. You can’t go wrong with scrolling LED signs from Transign.

Scrolling LED transit signs are sure to draw attention with their bright screens and easy-to-read text. They keep passengers focused on the message pertaining to travel advisories, schedules, and routes.

Led Sign


Keeping everyone safe

Technology is key to improving the safety of public transportation. It provides cost-efficient and time-saving processes while delivering innovative ways to solve problems. By investing in LED transit signs, you are not merely embracing technology and innovation—you are also introducing a safer and more convenient way to travel. Some of the best signs do more than just provide information. They are integrated with other systems, like GPS, for real-time vehicle tracking.

You can also find transit signage that lets you update information, such as routes and timetables, in real-time when connected to the internet, or through a thumb drive. This way, you do not have to worry about manually updating transit signs to enhance productivity and optimize your fleet’s scheduled travel times.

Not just for safety

Providing up-to-date information is not the only benefit of using LED transit signs. These innovative digital signage solutions can be used to bring in additional revenue to your transit company. Businesses can partner with you to promote or advertise their services or products on your LED transit signage, and display monitors, thereby creating a new stream of income. Creative ads can even entertain passengers during their commute.

Interested? Contact Transign for LED signage solutions that will suit your needs.

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Enhancing the Transit Customer Experience with Digital Signage

At the heart of public transportation, whether in a city you are unfamiliar with or at home, is the ever-evolving passenger information signage and network. For years, the only source of directional information available to travelers were static signboards, which provided only the smallest amount of information related to route and destination, and could not be easily changed.

Today, the advent of enhanced, digital signage not only serves the purpose of making navigation easier for the rider, these updated and efficient signs have mastered the art of providing live, up to the minute information. Technology as it relates to transit, now offers a broad array of relevant information whether onboard, awaiting the arrival and approach, or planning a trip through cell phone apps, which encompasses full route and accurate timing for the passenger.

Interior signs go well beyond providing, for example, “next stop” information, these displays now provide passengers with an array of additional, relevant data to assist them on their journey.

With so many innovations, many city buses have LED monitors displaying advertising content, and entertaining medium, which never fails to captivate the passenger. Transit signs today aid the transportation industry and the millions of customers who commute through multiple modes of transportation on a daily basis.

Destination signs can display the time of arrival at the next station, weather forecasts, merchant locations nearby the destination and even emergency warnings. Signs assist and guide riders through their entire trip, whether via static signs at bus stops, stations and ports, or onboard the passenger vehicle itself.

Transit agencies that chose to install LED displays for passenger entertainment and advertising purposes get the benefit of creatively and attractively displaying content, and have the added advantage of easy installation and on the fly programming.

Traveling by public transportation has never been easier through the deployment of advanced technologies developed in the past few years. Bus agencies, utilizing GPS and cellular connections can connect passengers with real time data, providing traffic information about the route end-to-end. A very notable benefit is with all this information, either displayed or available through cell devices, communication with the driver is greatly reduced, thus allowing the driver to concentrate on the road.

Highly affordable, adaptable and versatile, these signs are an essential tool for Transit agencies to increase ridership and revenue. Adding elegance to any mode of transportation, these signs provide arrival and departure times, entertainment, emergency alerts and advertisements, all on strategically placed screens throughout the vehicle.

As technology evolves, a considerable amount of importance is placed on making transit more of a self-help experience, which is only possible because of the game changing data that these interactive gateways of communication provide.

With an unlimited range of tailored messaging, perfectly suited to the surrounding environment, these eye-catching transit signs have become an integral and fundamental part of public transportation.

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Digital Signage and Transit Signage Benefits

Digital transportation signage is a revolutionary tool in public spaces. These signs help to inform and direct passengers while keeping them from missing their transportation schedules. Transit signage is an efficient means of providing real-time communications, especially onboard city buses and tour buses, as well as in transit stations where thousands of people gather every day. If you have yet to implement digital transit signs in your transit facility, here are reasons why you should seriously consider investing in them:

  • Digital signs display accurate and real-time information. Delays and changes in schedules are inevitable in transit environments. Digital signs enable accurate, real-time information delivery to reflect these changes and allow passengers to make the necessary adjustments to their travel plans in order to keep their schedule on track. Real-time information from transportation signage makes it is easier for people to decide on alternative steps to avoid delays in their travel plans.
  • Transit signage distracts people’s minds from long queues, alleviating perceived wait times. Simply seeing long lines at the check-in counter or ticketing booth can heighten the frustrations of passengers. This results in less than pleasant travel experiences and angry travelers, which can reflect negatively on your business. Strategically placed digital signs will keep people informed and entertained, notify them how long the wait time will be from a specific point to the checkpoint counter, and keep them informed about important announcements that might affect their travel.
  • You can display more information on digital transport signage than other forms of signs. Not only can you display and share information in real-time, you can also keep changing the display or put any number of announcements on loop in a single digital board. You can display trip schedules, delays and cancellations, arrival and departure times, travel guides, emergency reports, important announcements, and even promotions and entertainment, which provides an additional revenue source.

Overall, transit signage can enhance the travel experience by easing travel’s common stressors and providing an informative distraction for passengers while they wait on trip schedules. There are many ways in which digital signs can enhance travel experiences, such as displaying educational videos not only about how the transit system works, but also about the surrounding area. Displaying the news or showing movies can also help make wait times go by faster as travelers become engrossed in an immersive experience through digital signs. Transit signage can truly make travelling more pleasurable and much less stressful.

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