Digital transportation signage is a revolutionary tool in public spaces. These signs help to inform and direct passengers while keeping them from missing their transportation schedules. Transit signage is an efficient means of providing real-time communications, especially onboard city buses and tour buses, as well as in transit stations where thousands of people gather every day. If you have yet to implement digital transit signs in your transit facility, here are reasons why you should seriously consider investing in them:

  • Digital signs display accurate and real-time information. Delays and changes in schedules are inevitable in transit environments. Digital signs enable accurate, real-time information delivery to reflect these changes and allow passengers to make the necessary adjustments to their travel plans in order to keep their schedule on track. Real-time information from transportation signage makes it is easier for people to decide on alternative steps to avoid delays in their travel plans.
  • Transit signage distracts people’s minds from long queues, alleviating perceived wait times. Simply seeing long lines at the check-in counter or ticketing booth can heighten the frustrations of passengers. This results in less than pleasant travel experiences and angry travelers, which can reflect negatively on your business. Strategically placed digital signs will keep people informed and entertained, notify them how long the wait time will be from a specific point to the checkpoint counter, and keep them informed about important announcements that might affect their travel.
  • You can display more information on digital transport signage than other forms of signs. Not only can you display and share information in real-time, you can also keep changing the display or put any number of announcements on loop in a single digital board. You can display trip schedules, delays and cancellations, arrival and departure times, travel guides, emergency reports, important announcements, and even promotions and entertainment, which provides an additional revenue source.

Overall, transit signage can enhance the travel experience by easing travel’s common stressors and providing an informative distraction for passengers while they wait on trip schedules. There are many ways in which digital signs can enhance travel experiences, such as displaying educational videos not only about how the transit system works, but also about the surrounding area. Displaying the news or showing movies can also help make wait times go by faster as travelers become engrossed in an immersive experience through digital signs. Transit signage can truly make travelling more pleasurable and much less stressful.